
Why is the RA using auto access card system in a guarded neighbourhood?

Since when is the RA allowed to implement auto access card system in a guarded neighbourhood scheme without sufficient consent and approval? Why did the RAs implemented it despite illegal to do so? This is not a gated community!

Even though this has been spelled out clearly in the guidelines, unscrupulous RAs still blatantly disregarded it. Is there an element of corruption, abuse of power, or the RA simply think that they can do whatever they want?

Where is the rule-of-law here? What happened to "Kedaulatan Undang-Undang" under Rukun Negara?

Why are these Guarded Neighbourhood schemes (illegal gated communities) using auto access card system even though they do not have all the residents' agreement? Even strata or private properties are required to have 100% agreement from their residents!

The majority of residents now want the relevant authorities to investigate and put a stop to these illegal practices asap. Residents are urged not to support these schemes anymore!


Dear Residents of Setia Alam and Selangor,

How do you know whether your RA chairman is an ethical law-abiding-citizen chairman or a corrupt conman?

Your chairman is a conman when he breaks multiple laws to implement his own GnG scheme so that he can collect monthly fees (some call it toll, others would call it protection money) from the community.

Even though the property developer have clearly stated that the residence is not a gated community, your chairman still want to operate an illegal scheme taking advantage of the grey area and the residents' lack of knowledge in this subject.

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the community the scheme that they are allowed to operate is only an informal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the residents and the community the differences between a formal gated community scheme (under private/ strata residences) vs. an informal gated community scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he operates an informal gated community scheme as if it is a formal GC scheme. Both schemes are very different, one is legal but the other is actually illegal. (Comparing an illegal scheme to a formal GC scheme is like comparing an apple to a pineapple).

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the community of the limitations of an informal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he never inform the community what they "can and cannot do" under the local council guidelines while operating an informal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he instructs his security guards to stop and ask people for ID (such as MyKad or Driver's License), even though it is an offence.

Your chairman is a conman when he instructs his security guards to block the community or anyone that did not join his illegal "GnG" scheme. (Not having a residents' sticker on the windscreen does not give RA the right to stop and check anyone - it is illegal, unlawful and an offence to do so).

Your chairman is a conman when he implements the prohibited card access system in non-private residences without sufficient consent and approval.

Your chairman is a conman when he breaks the laws to stop the community from moving in and out freely. (It is illegal and unlawful requiring residents of non-private residences to register at the guardhouse every time; it is also illegal and unlawful to stop others from access).

Your chairman is a conman when he has no regards for the laws, the rights of others and he thinks he owns the entire residence. He also does not believe in "the rule of law", has selfish agendas, and he imposes his beliefs and preferences on others. Your chairman is a conman when he indirectly forced the community to subscribe to his illegal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he never considers Rukun Tetangga scheme as another option for the community. (He is not interested in KRT because it is FOC for the community).

Above all, your RA chairman should have been more transparent first on the laws, guidelines, rules and regulations of what an informal scheme can and cannot do - and then let the community decide whether they want to sign up or not; not coerce them into joining without any knowledge whatsoever.

If your chairman didn't do this before implementing his illegal gated community scheme, then he is more likely a conman.

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