Seruan kpd kerajaan untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas skim-skim yg melanggari undang-undang

Are all the housing residences in Setia Alam formal Gated & Guarded communities?

In other words, are the various "Gated & Guarded" residences currently operated by the RAs here legal and formal gated communities?

NO, THEY ARE NOT. Don't be fooled by your RA. The residences in Setia Alam are NOT formal gated communities. These are just informal ones. 

(MBSA only allows Skim Komuniti Berpengawal here, NOT Skim Komuniti Berpagar)

(All 2-storey terrace /cluster residences in Setia Alam are classified as "Informal Gated Communities" and fall under "Public Property" - amenities managed by MBSA).

The only scheme that can be implemented here and in all other Non Private Property residences under MBSA is actually Guarded Community schemes. No formal Gated Community schemes can be implemented legally here.

(Only Setia Eco Park & Eco Ardence are private and formal gated communities - amenities and facilities managed by MC). 

RAs, pls adhere to the laws, The Selangor Housing Board and MBSA guidelines accordingly. *(Please refer to Garis Panduan Permohonan Skim Komuniti Berpengawal MBSA).


Many RAs are flouting guidelines illegally blocking roads and asking for MyKad

Do not allow corrupt RAs to operate or implement illegal or informal "GnG" schemes as they wish... Do not allow them to bully the residents and the communities. Make sure the RAs do not flout the laws and the guidelines.

Say no to informal gated and guarded housing schemes in your neighbourhood. Instead introduce Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) as endorsed and promoted by the government.

Many RAs have been blatantly flouting the laws implementing "formal gated community" schemes on their own even though they are only "informal gated communities". Are these RAs corrupt or are they incapable of following the rule of law?

Some of the RAs went ahead to implement GC schemes despite only obtaining approval for a GN scheme. Some don't even know what scheme they can or cannot implement. Some are bullies and some are linked to syndicates and gangsters. Whatever it is do not trust them so easily and do not sign any papers to give them any type of consent. They will sweet talk you initially but they will start to coerce others later when they have sufficient numbers. You might be giving them the license to collect money from the neighborhood. 

They will make it "inconvenient" for you and your family /friends if you don't participate in their scheme. Many residents did not know what they were getting into initially when they sign the consent letters... only to regret later on. It's high time the communities and the authorities put a stop to this.


*(Illegal guards blocking roads and asking for IC")

*(Illegal "perimeter fencing")

*(Illegal "perimeter fencing")

*(Illegally blocking public roads)


"Kita sebagai rakyat prihatin yang sayangkan negara ingin menyeru kepada kerajaan terutamanya kepada pihak berkuasa di Selangor supaya mengambil tindakan ke atas skim-skim berpagar yang tidak sahih (informal gated community) terutamanya di daerah Klang dan Setia Alam yang tidak mengikuti syarat dan garis panduan."

Walaupun kediaman yang dimaksudkan ini bukan jenis harta persendirian atau hakmilik strata, namun pelbagai skim kawalan tidak sahih telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak tertentu, dan walaupun ianya merupakan skim tanpa sebarang unsur paksaan, ramai penduduk masih membayar untuk menyertai skim kawalan di kediaman mereka atas ketakutan dan sebab-sebab tertentu yang lain. Dan walaupun mereka membantah atau tidak setuju dengan pelaksanaan skim berpagar, mereka tidak berani mengeluarkan suara.

Komuniti di taman-taman perumahan (rumah teres 2 tingkat) di sekitar Selangor telah di belenggu oleh wabak GnG haram yang berleluasa dan penduduk sekarang sedang mengeluh menghadapi pelbagai masalah seperti halangan jalanraya awam, menghalang kenderaan daripada keluar masuk, penggunaan sistem kad akses automatik yang tidak dibenarkan, kesalahan daripada permintaan MyKad atau lesen memandu oleh pengawal keselamatan, pengambilan pengawal keselamatan yang tidak berlesen untuk bertugas dan sebagainya.

Walaupun taman-taman perumahan yang dimaksudkan di atas adalah di bawah Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT), namun persatuan penduduk (RA) telah melaksanakan skim kawalan mereka tanpa mengikuti garis panduan dan "the rule of law".

Justeru, keharmonian, kesejahteraan dan perpaduan komuniti terjejas dengan teruk sekali.

Masalah ini telah berlarutan kian lama dan pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan sepatutnya lebih prihatin dalam menjaga kebajikan dan kepentingan rakyat jelata secara umum, bukan kepentingan golongan tertentu. Hak semua warganegara harus dipelihara.

Skim berpagar yang formal atau sahih patut hanya dibenarkan di kediaman swasta atau strata yang eksklusif sahaja, bukan di taman-taman perumahan umum di bawah PBT.

Cadangan kita ialah hanya skim Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) dan Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) dibenarkan di taman-taman perumahan di bawah PBT seperti yang dipromosikan semula oleh pihak kerajaan pusat baru-baru ini.

Sekian, terimakasih.



Don't be fooled. Only Komuniti Rukun Tetangga (KRT) together with Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) are genuine community schemes endorsed by the Government of Malaysia for our neighbourhoods...

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