Letter to The Star: Not for gated and guarded facility

I WISH to share my experience regarding the subject of gated and guarded neighbourhood. I object to it because of the following reasons (not in order of importance):

First, the committee is “elected” by a small number of attendees who have their own selfish agenda.

Second, only certain roads have road humps so as to divert traffic to other “certain” roads that don’t have them.

Third, guard houses are set up in places where certain members of the community will not be disturbed by the noise coming from the guards (such as their radios or smart phones), and the stopping and starting of cars.

Fourth, diverting traffic when vehicles drop off or pick up the children from the school, twice a day, to certain roads (to the advantage of certain members).

Which means the other roads will face noise, traffic jams and pollution twice a day, as well as speeding cars when they are running late.

Fifth, not every member can afford to pay the monthly fee. And then they have to put up with ugly stares from the guards.

Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, 20 Jul 2017

Letters , Gated And Guarded Communities

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2017/07/20/not-for-gated-and-guarded-facility/#hQT4iph5DtELGqPz.99



As in any form of security, a guarded scheme or even a gated and guarded scheme is not foolproof. “At least we know that those not staying in the scheme cannot come in and go out without any form of control.

“The guards will ask for their particulars like name and IC,” Lam said. He said there was one break-in, recently.

It happened in a house where the owner refused to pay maintenance fees.
And what was most annoying was that the victim complained on the security and demanded to view the closed CCTV, Lam said. And certainly there are people who take opportunity, over the people’s concern for security.

In Bandar Sri Damansara, a resident, only known as MY Shu said there was a spate of break ins and petty theft in the neighbourhood before a few men who claimed to be from a security firm, approached the residents to offer their services.

“Some of us suspected these so-called guards were either the robbers, thieves or their accomplices.
“They purposely frighthened us so that we would take up their offer,” she said, adding that the “guards” quoted RM30 monthly fees.

The “guards” would put up a little signboard on the gate for those who paid for their service. She said she did not take up the offer.

A similar type of patrolling service was also offered to residents in Taman Rasa Sayang, Ipoh, some time ago. A housewife said the “guards” had asked for RM20 a month. “They put up a little signboard on my gate, saying this house is being patrolled.

“But I do not know whether they actually did the patrolling,” she said, adding that the “guards” came and collected the fees for a few months and disappeared after that.

May 29, 2012

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